Gift in Wills

A Gift in your Will would change the life of a vulnerable elderly person.

Leave a gift in your Will

When making a will, most of us first provide for the immediate and future needs of family and friends.

- Have you thought about what to do with what is left?
- Could it benefit vulnerable seniors in your community?
- Have you considered giving a gift in your will to STAR?

Leaving a gift in your will is a way of demonstrating to our elderly that they are not forgotten, that someone cares about them and wants to support them in their twilight years.

It is easy to leave a gift in your Will

Your Will is your decision, but it can be helpful to discuss with those close to you about a gift in your will for STAR Community Services. This helps them understand why you feel so strongly about giving this support.

How do you want to leave a gift in your will to STAR Community Services?

  • Residual: Once you have provided for those close to you, you can leave a gift of the remainder or a percentage of that remainder of your estate.
  • Detailed: You can simply state an exact amount in your will that you would like to gift to STAR Community Services.
  • Asset: You could have real estate, shares or an item that you would like to go to STAR as a gift in your will.

Your gift will make a huge impact

“I had literally no money. Lunch club was the only time I left the house but I couldn’t afford to keep going. I started going less and less until I stopped altogether. When I discussed with a volunteer why I had stopped attending, STAR was able to give me free transport so that I could still attend and talk to my friends.”  
“Before STAR, I would miss some of my doctors’ appointments because it was difficult to walk to the bus stop and I was afraid of falling. Other transport options were too expensive. I’d also make my food last a little longer because it was too painful to shop by myself.” Paul

Making your Will

While more options are available, two possible options are:

Using online ‘Willed’ is an easy, affordable Will process.

STAR has partnered with Willed, an online platform to support your ‘will’ experience.  

You can discuss with a Lawyer

Potential wording to give to your Lawyer - “I gift to STAR Community Services ABN  26 729 619 090 (insert the percentage or residue of your client’s estate, the amount of money, or the details of assets your client wishes to leave). My gift is to be used for the general purposes of STAR Community Services. I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or other proper officer shall be a complete discharge of my personal representatives to see to the application of my gift.”

Contact STAR Business Development

07 3821 6699
07 3821 6699
07 3821 6699

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