Volunteers make an extraordinary contribution to our community. Nearly 6 million Australians or 31 per cent of the population volunteer, making an estimated annual contribution of $290 billion to our economic and social good.
Volunteering Redlands (VR) is a not-for-profit community organisation. Our aim is to build strong communities through volunteering and provide a range of resources, services and support so that people in the Redlands are aware of and understand the nature and scope of volunteer activity.
VR is the volunteering arm of STAR Community Services. More than 1300 individual volunteers and over 50 community organisations are a part of the VR family. We partner with the local government, community groups, and corporate institutions, to drive volunteering in our vibrant community. We provide services from Redland Bay to Thorneside and also the Southern Moreton Bay Islands. If you are interested in volunteering, please call 07 3086 0000.
Find us on Facebook facebook.com/VolunteeringinRedlands
Contact us
Phone: 07 3086 0000
Email: info@volunteeringredlands.org.au
Our Address: Shop 15, 152 Shore Street West, Cleveland
Postal Address: PO Box 1093, Cleveland 4163
FAX: 07 3821 6711